This month's competition is perfect for any aspiring writers or anyone who wishes to practise their creative writing skills. I highly recommend that you all submit something in for a chance to win some fantastic literary prizes including DVD's, novels and other texts and stationary. The task is due on Saturday the 12th of December 2009 no later than 5.30pm. It needs to be presented as a printed document using Times New Roman font in size 12 with page numbers. Pages need to be labelled and bound. Name, contact number, title page and word count must also be submitted.
Task: Create a creative piece revolving around your understanding of life and the origins of humanity. It can be realistic or imaginative. Keep in mind the context, purpose and audience. This does not need to be a short story (if so, 3000-5000 words is sufficient). It can be a series of poetry, a film or television script, a play, documentary, picture book etc.

Good luck!