I know that I am terrible when it comes to answering my mobile phone, you'd really be lucky to catch me on say, my home phone as I'm hardly at home and the reception at my place is so awful, I'd probably/most likely not pick up anyway. So if you do attempt to call/sms/email me, let's get some communication manners and etiquette sorted.
1. Mobile Phone:
- Call: Okay, so if you manage to get through, please don't just start the conversation with 'Hi Lisa, you know that task you gave me...' because chances are that I probably don't know exactly who you are and the task you are talking about. Like, how many tasks do I give you? Unfortunately I don't sit around the house rearranging my English notes in my spare time, waiting for a call like that even if I may look it. So my apologies there. Also, you should know that it is just manners and respect to call someone during business hours and not on night's before tasks are due and whatnot because I'm not interested. You have a week to contact me so don't leave it to last minute as I cannot and will not help you. At all. I also refuse to pick up phone calls at inappropriate times so calling me from 8.30am to 8.30pm is alright but any times before/after that, I won't pick up so don't bother.
- SMS: Alright, calling obviously didn't work and if you need me to urgently call you back, just text me (in capital letters) 'Urgent' and obviously let me know who you are and what this is in regards to (I'll let you know if I think it's urgent, just kidding). Usually if you can't get through me via calling, SMS is your next best option. I will most likely respond, or at least read, any SMS which is sent to me. If I don't respond, it is because the text you have sent me, does not require a response. If you would like a response, just write 'Please respond/let me know asap' and I will. Make sure you tell me who you are because I obviously don't have your number on my mobile phone book.
- Email: This is obviously more work-attachment based however if you are seriously convinced that I haven't seen your previous calls or text messages, you are very welcome to email me. Just make sure that you use correct email convention which includes a subject, heading, sign off etc. I refuse to respond to emails otherwise. If this is work related, make sure to text me beforehand so I am aware that an email is coming through.
Hope this helps!