If you are interested in either improving your short story writing skills or one day becoming the next Stephanie Meyer and whatnot, the following website may be of interest to you. It is a compilation of interviews from the authors and writers who spoke at the Sydney Writers' Festival and the authors include Isabelle Carmody, Morris Gleitzman, James Roy and Danny Katz. Here, they speak about characters, plots, themes and storylines as well as any other tips and advice for young writers. Check out the interviews as I'm positive it will assist you in your own writing and production of creative stories. There are also archived interviews dating back to 2007.
I've made the site address a TinyUrl and you should be able to still access it. Let me know if there have any difficulties. http://tinyurl.com/ycqopgo or alternatively visit www.swf.org.au/news and find the direct link from there. Enjoy and get inspired!