Written by renowned Australian detective/crime author, Marele Day. The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender one of the books in the 'Claudia Valentine mystery' series and it'll keep you on your toes constantly. Here is the blurb for your reference:
Mark Bannister, writing 'the best seller of the century' is found dead at his computer- the victim of a murder so perfect that Claudia Valentine smells a rat... and wants it caught. The chases leads deep into the murky underworld of Sydney- a world where bright tough Claudia must play a deadly high-tech game of cat and rat with the menacing overlord of the city's cancerous network of crime and corruption.
Witty, wryly, humorous and fast-paced, The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender is a mystery with a twist, which brilliantly exposes the seamy action below the surface of the city's glittering facade.
PS: Year ten students, we will be doing this book for novel study so please try to get a copy of it for our lessons ASAP. Cheers.